Saturday, 16 May 2009

12 [2 December 2008]

After a long wait I've received the large format negatives that Peter Watkins kindly took for me at the camp on a blustery night last month - we projected my videos stills on to the walls of the huts.

The photos of the projections on the exterior of the huts have a strange, eerie quality, projected light contrasts with natural disappearing light. It is as if the scene was a stage-set illuminated by stage lighting. I have yet to print the images, but have a few ideas how they can be presented.

The images which strike me most, though, are those of projections on the interior walls - decaying, peeling paint has been worn by 70 years of dripping water; vertical lines made by the rivulets dominate what seems at a glance to be a flat surface.


Top: Jonathan Moss, 'Wall', 2008. Photo: Peter Watkins.

Bottom: Jonathan Moss, 'Projection at Rivesaltes', Photograph, 2008. Photo: Peter Watkins.

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